Travelling tips / info

It’s a lot closer than you think!



DIRECTIONS – S26°50’30.8″E32°53’13.5


From Johannesburg

The border hereis a lot more relaxed and generally a lot quieter than the Komatipoort borderbut it still has queues at the peak holidays (Easter, long weekends and Decholidays)

From Johannesburg take the N12 throughWitbank to the Middleburg Toll – 45 mins after toll take right turn to Carolinathrough to Amsterdam then on to Piet Retief through Pongola.  Alternative route which cuts an hour off thetrip – take N17 from Carnival City in Dalpark and go straight through to Ermelo–  Piet Retief – Pongola – Jozini – KosiBay. Approx 52km after Pongola turnleft to Jozini.     

Follow the roadthrough Jozini town and as you leave the town the road forks – Take the leftroad over the Jozini Dam wall Stay on this main tar road.    There are several junctions and turns butkeep following the signs for ‘Kosi bay forest reserve’.    

After 100km or so you will arrive inManguzi this is the last town before the border, good place to tank up withfuel and buy any extra supplies.

Drive out of Manguzi and follow the roadfor approx 20km and you will arrive at the border.

If you are in a 4wd or high clearancevehicle (preferably with diff lock) you can cross onto the sandy Mozambiqueside.

As soon as you leave the border you haveseveral road options (all sandy tracks) some lodges are well signed, but thereis a general guide starting from the left track as you face them. Left hand track goes through to Ponta Mamoli.  Middle tracks (usually 3) go through to PontaMalongane, Tartaruga, Vista Alta right hand track goes to Ponta Village.

You can get to all the lodges from Ponta village.  Following Coco Rico signshelps. Usually everyone is very helpfuland will point you in the right direction.  The distance from Johannesburg is approximately 650kms.


  From Durban

Take the N2 Toll road northpast Ballito. Turn right over thehighway.  Continue through the town ofHluhluwe, following the Sodwana Bay signs.    At Mbazwane, turn left following the Kosi Bay (or Farazela border postor Kwangwanase) signs. At the T-junction,turn right around the traffic circle.   Continuethrough the town of Manguzi, this is the last town before the border, good place totank up with fuel and buy any extra supplies.   Drive out of  Manguzi and follow the road for approx 20km when youwill arrive at the border. The tar roadends on the South African side of the border, so if you are in a 2wd you canpark on the South African side for a daily fee of R40 then walk across. Mostlodges will collect from the border post.  If you are in a 4wd or high clearance vehicle (preferably with difflock) you can cross onto the sandy Mozambique side.


Please remember normallythe Kosi / Ponta border closes at 17h00 and they occasionally have left beforethat so it is wise to turn up no later than 16h30 to get across thatday! Please note that they are very strict about it and willnot open even if you are only a minute late. Itopens at 0h800 in the mornings. December and Easterthey do open for longer.  


Once across theborder

On the right is a window ina building where you hand in your passport, get stamped in (R17 fee) and youare away. 


If you are in a 4wd or highclearance vehicle (preferably with diff lock) you can cross onto the sandyMozambique side.

As soon as you leave theborder you have several road options (all sandy tracks) some lodges are wellsigned, but there is a general guide starting from the left track as you facethem. Left hand track goes through toPonta Mamoli.  Middle tracks (usually 3)go through to Ponta Malongane, Tartaruga, Vista Alta right hand track goes toPonta Village.

You can get to all thelodges from Ponta village.  FollowingCoco Rico signs helps. Usually everyoneis very helpful and will point you in the right direction


Attend tovehicle requirements – you will need:


Vehicle ownership documents–

If the vehicle is on hirepurchase / bank loan you will also need a letter from the bank givingpermission to cross the border.

Also if the vehicle is notyours you will need a letter of authorization from the owner saying you havetheir permission to take it into Mozambique.

A valid driver’s license isalso required.

Insurance is required inMozambique – if your current insurance covers Mozambique you must get a letterfrom the insurance company on official papers clearly stating that a minimum ofthird party insurance is covered, it must show the vehicle registration and thecountry ‘Mozambique’ – not ‘covers all SADC’ or ‘Southern Africa’. Temporary 30 day insurance cover is available at the Mozambique border and cost R170 (payable in cash only) – we recommend Hollard Insurance.   


DO NOT FORGETTO APPLY FOR THE INSURANCE                                                                                                                                        

You could land yourself with a hefty fine of at least R2000.00 if you pass throughwithout applying for it. 


Sometimes they will do afull vehicle check to see if it is stolen, paperwork matches etc, other timesthey will not even look at the vehicle!!


Park up on the left where you will locate thevehicle paperwork hut.

Collect and complete the A4 document in duplicate using a piece of carbon paper, making sure that thecarbon paper works and that your writing is readable on the bottom sheet.

Now return this completed paperwork back to thedesk where they will stamp it, and return one page to you in exchange for R12.00

Back out on the right is awindow in a building where you hand in your Passport, get it stamped in (R17 fee)and you are on your way. 

Insurance is required andthere is usually a guy at the border asking if you need to buy it.Hollard dohave a small hut there, R150 set fee valid for 30 days.

Temporary import licenseshould you be towing a boat/trailer/wet bike etc.

This will be in the regionof R80.00.

Now it is off the tar roadsand onto the dunes.  

Happy Holiday!

NB: Please note that ALL Pricing referenced on this website is subject to change, and for this reason, it is only made available to you as a guideline. 


Kindly note that Reception is closed on a Sunday, but you will be able to collect the keys to the house from the Security Guard hut at the entrance.​​ 


Pontado Ouro is best accessed through the Kosi Bay/Farazela border. The border postis open 7 days a week (08h00 to 17h00). Between the border and the Maresolcomplex on the beach-front a 4 x 4 vehicle is required to negotiate the terrainas the road consists mainly of sand dunes and soft sandy soil.   Pleasenote that you will need a copy of your car registration certificate as well asa letter from your insurance company in SA stating ‘car is insured out ofcountry’.   You will also need to get a temporary driving licence on theMozambique side.  Thereafter, you need to purchase third party insurance.This can be purchased in South Africa ahead of time at Outdoor Warehouse(or at the border post). The short journey from border to unit will take youapproximately 20 – 25 minutes.​

However, should you NOT have a 4 x 4, border transfers to theresort can be arranged.  The tar road ends on the South African side ofthe border, so if you have a sedan you can park your car at the South AfricanPolice Station and after unloading drive back into South Africa to park yourcar in a secure privately-owned parking area on the South African side.This costs R40 per day and is perfectly safe.

You will need to arrange your own transfer with Sandra or her husband Oros who are both local Mozambicans. Sandra, however, is the main driver.Here are their numbers – both are on Whatsapp:Sandra +258847319049Oros     +258842467547Please whatsapp Sandra when you get  to Jozini and mention that you are passing through Jozini.  Alternatively, if you are using GPS then you can let her know when you are an hour away. It is important to communicate with her as regards your time of arrival as she then knows how much time she must allow herself to get to the Kosi Bay border.  There have been times when she has been kept waiting for over 5 hours.Finally, remember to liaise with her when she drops you off at the Maresol house number 20 in order to take you back to the border again. (Should you have difficulty in raising them pleasecontact Noreen in Benoni on 065 144 0767)

NB: Please note that ALL Pricing referenced on this website is subject to change, and for this reason, it is only made available to you as a guideline.


Passports  –   Everyone needs a passport to enter Mozambique.

Visas: Alloverseas visitors need Visas for Mozambique.  SA passport holdersdo not need a visa but at the border they will still be charged a R17 ‘adminfee’.

Itmust be current and valid for 6 months (some borders are not so fussy on thisbut under 30 days becomes a problem)

 Itmust be your passport

Twoclear pages are required

Torn,wet, grubby passports especially where the picture or pages are damaged may berefused entry.

OtherNationality passports:

Mostother nationalities require a visa, these can be obtained from an embassy inadvance and the cost varies from R750 (UK / US) to R350 most European countriesand South America.

A visa at any of the above entry pointscurrently costs R171 per passport and takes a few minutes extra at theborder. 

Travelling with minors:

ALL minor children under the age of eighteen must be in possession of a valid Unabridged Birth Certificate. Please note that obtaining such a Certificate from the Department of Home Affairs can take up to eight weeks, but from personal experience, you could wait up to a few months, so please plan well in advance. In cases where such children are travelling with you unaccompanied by their parents, for example friends of your children, you will also require a “Consent Document in the form of a Sworn Affidavit” from the parents of the said guest child granting you permission to travel across the border with their child. 

Detailed requirements in this regard can be found here.   

​​NB: Please note that ALL Pricingreferenced on this website is subject to change, and for this reason, it isonly made available to you as a guideline.


Kindly note that whilst it is possible to get fuel from the small petrol station in the village, you would be well advised to rather consider filling up your tank in Maputo or Manguzi, since fuel may not always be available in Ponta, especially during the Low Season.